How to clean up your green swampy pool QUICKLY!
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How to clean up your green swampy pool QUICKLY!
March 15/2020

Opening up to a slimy, green pool? If  the pool was not properly winterized in the fall or you are getting the pool up and running later than normal, algae can begin to form in the pool, especially if leaves and other debris were left in the pool last fall. Any debris in the pool is food for algae to feed on. The lack of water circulation due to winterization can also aid algae to grow, which is why we recommend to get your pool going as soon as the temps begin to stay steady in the 50's - 60's. This will prevent a clear pool from turning green before you open it, due to the higher outside temperatures.

If your pool is green this spring, Have No Fear. Aqua Palace's Swamp Buster kit can get you back up and going in even a few days! Our professional grade chemicals are the perfect ingredients to clear up your swimming pool water quickly! Read more on preventing and cleaning a swampy pool

Aqua Palace Swamp Buster Kit
One quart bottle of Algaecide
Eight 1 lb packs of pool shock
Regular Price: $78.03
Aqua Palace Price: