We love our pools and we also love our planet. We want both to be as happy and healthy an environment as possible. We want all pools to be green…just not with algae!
To that end, we have put together a list of ways that you can put your pool on the environmentally friendly path.
Keep Your Swimming Pool Covered
Cover your pool when you’re not using it. An uncovered pool can result in water, heat and power loss; none of which are good news for mother earth. Fortunately, there’s an incredibly simple solution – cover your pool. By investing in a good pool cover you can reduce water evaporation by 97%! A pool cover will also prevent heat loss and help animals from falling in. Take it one step further and look into a solar pool cover. Solar covers will not only prevent water loss, but also actively help to heat your pool.
Recycle Rainwater
Use natural means to top up your water level. It’s no secret that pools require large amounts of water and even with a good pool cover some water evaporation is bound to happen. When it comes time to refill your pool avoid using a hose. Allow natural rainwater to fill the pool. If you require more water than a downpour can provide, purchase a rainwater diverter that can be attached to a downspout. Many diverters have filters that will clean the water of dirt and debris before reaching your pool. It’s a fantastic, green way to fill up your pool and save yourself some time. With this technique, nature does all the work. Remember to check your levels after you’ve added water.
Add Landscaping Around Your Swimming Pool
Create gardens using native plants and shrubs around your pool. These plants will act as wind-breakers and slow the evaporation rate of the water. Just make sure to place your gardens far enough from the pool to prevent debris from falling in. In addition to saving water, you’re promoting plant growth and creating a beautiful setting for your pool.
Mother Nature does SO much for us, it’s only right that we do a little extra to make things better for her. You’ll enjoy your pool even more knowing that it is as environmentally friendly as it can be.